Period of Performance: September 2021 to August 2022
Scope: GCC was contracted by the Arup-HOK Joint Venture to deliver airfield and concession planning, schedule review, studies, and sequencing / phasing recommendations for various projects within the ATMP program including Aircraft Parking, Concourse 0, wide body aircraft gate requirements, sustainability practices, and Terminal 9roadways, Terminal 9 parking facility, Terminal 9-Terminal 8 Pedestrian Bridge and APM connections.
Major stakeholders: Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), the City of Los Angeles, Arup, and HOK.
Project Description: The Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) Airfield and Terminal Modernization Project (ATMP) focuses on airfield and terminal improvements that stay within the airport’s existing footprint, and landside (roadway) improvements that help reduce airport-related congestion and back-ups on public streets. The Project is designed to elevate the passenger experience, improve the community experience, enhance airfield safety and increase business opportunities.