“Delivering safe, reliable, and resilient power distribution for JFK airport.”
Period of Performance: September 2021(Ongoing)
Scope: GCC was contracted by Grace Civil Construction to deliver facilitated Partnering for the new JFK Bergen Substation, located at JFK Airport, NY, on behalf of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
Major Stakeholders: Including the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Haugland Energy, Syska Hennesy Group, CHA, and Grace Civil Construction.
Project Description: The Bergen Substation Replacement Project replaces the existing Bergen and Van Wyck 5-kilovolt (5KV) electrical substations at John F. Kennedy International Airport with a new, single Bergen 5KV Substation. The Bergen Substation is a critical component of the electrical power distribution system at JFK and assists in supplying power to JFK airside-landside facilities and associated supporting infrastructure. The Project also includes the decommissioning and demolition of the existing Van Wyck substation, with an option for the decommissioning and demolition of the existing Bergen substation following commissioning of the new Bergen Substation.