“Enabling global reach of the B-21 Raider to project air power and adapt to future threats.”
Period of Performance: July 2023 (ongoing)
Scope: GCC was contracted by ContiFederal to deliver facilitated Partnering for the new Ellsworth Air Force Base B-21 Radio Frequency Hangar (RF) at Ellsworth AFB, Rapid City, SD.
Major stakeholders: Included US Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District, Air Force 28th Bomb Wing, Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Air Force Global Strike Command, Burns & McDonnell, and ContiFederal Construction.
Project Description: The Ellsworth Air Force Base B-21 Radio Frequency Hangar project will provide a new, approximately 64,500-square-foot, Radio Frequency Facility (RF Hangar) with a single aircraft measurement bay and all associated shop, administrative, and facility support spaces. This project will include a space or spaces constructed to secure area standard Intelligence Community Directive/Intelligence Community Standard 705.